From Bobby


to my fans and friends everywhere! Here’s a prayer that you and yours are in good health and closer than ever as a family, a business, or a company! We are faced with great challenges as a worldwide family.

With grace, we will get through the current events that are facing our times, with as little loss as possible to our global community. Hopefully with greater gains to awaken our global citizen awareness and respect.

As for those that have suffered a great loss, please know that I feel your pain and heartache and I pray for just as great comfort and peace for you and yours.

That’s all I have to give, is my heart and the music I have been blessed to share with the world so that it might bless you in your time of need, and God’s light shines through to help you progress and reset, as I like to call it.

I’ve returned to the stage and may be coming to your town. I might see you on a cruise,  where we can rock and roll TOGETHER with Soul, Doo Wop, Godspell, Rockabilly, Disco, Hip Hop, POP, Country, and the specialty dance single that I released. In any event, let’s enjoy some good music!

I Love you all, World Wide!

Bobby Wilson
“Fly With Me”
Blessed and Highly Favored
